Streamruby is a video hosting provider. We offer online storage, sophisticated uploading and video streaming tools.
With Streamruby you can host your videos and play them online from browser / mobile devices. With Streamruby you can host your videos and play them online from browser / mobile devices. Streamruby provided make money system too. you can make money from view/download of your videos and You also can sell your videos and make money from them.

Whenever you need to share a video, Streamruby can help.
There are some features that make Streamruby the best choice.
It provided adaptive bitrate streaming for free. It converts your videos to different quality and use HLS technology to play videos on player.
you can sell your videos and make money.

There is prize in our make money system. As your videos' views are increasing, your rate increase too. You can find rates on earm money page.

Yes, you can Search for other video files that were marked as Public.

All video format files.
No child porn or any material that shows people under the age of 18 in a sexual maner. This includes "jailbait" photos, teens and anything else that is suggestive.
Please refer to our TOS for more info on Streamruby terms of service.

To delete a file you uploaded you can use Delete Link that was provided to you after the upload proccess or delete it from My Videos page.

No. Hotlinking is not allowed on any kind of files uploaded to our servers.

You can redeuce the number of ads on the my account page, in the player setting section with the ads mode.

On the my account page in the player setting, enable the block direct access. The video will be accessible only by embed.

It is possible to provide direct link of videos with or without API.
* You can't earn money.
* The direct link without the API is only the high quality of video.
* You need to buy a premium account.
* The default storage is 500GB. Price for extra storage per GB is related to amount of storage you want to have.
- If your account storage is 2000GB or less then extra storage is $0.0055 per GB
- for 4000GB and less storage, extra storage is $0.0082 per GB
- for 8000GB and less storage, extra storage is $0.0092
- for more than 8000GB storage, extra storage is calculated $0.0096 per GB
* It has 20TB traffic monthly. Extra traffic per GB is $0.0013
* If you need direct link without API please make your account premium then contact us to enable it for you.

It is possible to remove the ads completely if you don't want to earn money with the views of your videos.
* You can't earn money.
* The direct link without the API is only the high quality of video.
* You need to buy a premium account.
* The default storage is 500GB. Price for extra storage per GB is related to amount of storage you want to have.
- If your account storage is 2000GB or less then extra storage is $0.0055 per GB
- for 4000GB and less storage, extra storage is $0.0082 per GB
- for 8000GB and less storage, extra storage is $0.0092
- for more than 8000GB storage, extra storage is calculated $0.0096 per GB
* It has 20TB traffic monthly. Extra traffic per GB is $0.0013
* If you need direct link without API please make your account premium then contact us to enable it for you.
If you still have questions regarding our services don't hesitate to contact us using our contact form.